Thursday, July 21, 2005


July 21 issue: "And now, the fight"

RedEye led today's issue with an Associated Press story that explains, in the most general and obvious terms, the coming fight over the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee John Roberts. RedEye should have run the Tribune's A1 lead story, which points out that: 1) Senators don't know exactly what Roberts' politics are and 2) This conflict is about transparency and thoroughness, not just broad ideological disagreements. RedEye could have compiled these two stories into a story offering more than lazy generalizations. As a Trib Co. paper with access to several wire services, RedEye could run short news stories that cover a variety of angles from a variety of sources. It wouldn't break their fucking backs, and a little more text would be better than today's moronic Page 3 sidebar, which asks: Which Hollywood celebrity does John Roberts resemble most—Greg Kinnear, Bill Pullman, or Ken? Answer: 1) Who gives a shit, and 2) None of these, and 3) This joke sucks. I'm all for not taking the news seriously, but this is lame.

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