Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Aug. 2 issue: Rafael Palmeiro stories

Thanks--without sarcasm--to RedEye for running the Rafael Palmeiro story where it belongs--in the Sports section. RedEye's cover story on the Atkins Diet is still inane, but at least has something to do with health and business; and today's Page 3 contains mostly news and relatively little crap.

Today it's the Tribune exaggerating the news value of an inane story. For fucking shame. Steroid use is not worth two huge, boring photos of the same guy standing motionless with the same expression, two pulled quotes, or space anywhere in the A section of any daily metro or national newspaper. Professional sports are part business, part artificial universe. The Sports section exists to cover that artificial universe. This story might be important in this context, but outside that, steroid use among professional sports players just doesn't fucking matter. I wasn't surprised when Congress began making a big deal about this, but was appalled when newspapers followed. Today, The Washington Post, The Miami Herald and Trib Co.'s Orlando Sentinel are among the papers encouraging this stupid error in news judgment.

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