Tuesday, April 18, 2006


For Whoever May or May Not be Reading

Well, we done pulled a Carole Brown and went a month-plus without posting. Forgetful? No. We've simply accepted that this blog existed to help us explore a subject for a while, and we think it has run its course. Not that we couldn't go on and on listening to ourselves type about RedEye--but we'd soon become as redundant and stagnant and ocassionally interesting as Red itself.

We do know from Site Meter that at least one person over at Trib. Co. has been checking in pretty regularly. Trib employee, we invite you and anyone else who happens to be reading to answer this question: What should we do for TRE's big finale--i.e. to let people know we actually fucking existed? Leave comments or email thanksredeye@gmail.com.

Head on over to Wenalway for the spiciest media criticism to be found! Wenalway bashes delusional designers, hypocritical editors and Poynterbots.
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